
HP India


HP is one of the leading brand in India for the innovative and cost effective products like printers and laptops.

Challenges and Issues:

HP observed a constant drop in their Laptop sales number. They wanted us to create a flashy video with professional models and anchors to showcase their product in various social channels to inspire TG to consider for HP laptops.


Instead of making a flashy ad film with professional models at sky high price, we suggested them to conduct a video mystery audit at some of there selective channel partner store to understand the in-store scenario and challenges. It is from these video mystery audit we came to realise that the partner in-store people (ISP’s) are not well equipped or trained enough to sale HP laptops and neither efficient respond to walK-in customer queries. Basis this insight we went ahead and created easy to understand training video with HP India , Category Manager who knows in and out of the product.


The series of Five Videos on some of the selected HP laptops have been received well by these partners and help them understand and know the product better through video facilitate them through what's up and HP private youtube channel. In due course of time the sales no. picked up well.